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Detex Proxi Pen Holster

Nylon pouch for the Detex ProxiPen III, fits over a belt. Read the description. Clearly the webmaster plays Sirius/XM comedy channel all to often.

Our Price: $17.00
Detex Holster

Detex ProxiPen III Holster

Target:  We love ya, but we are only using the card for size comparison, and it's free advertising. 
Our lawyers suggested we drop this in here.

Previously made in Texas from rough-riding Texan bulls.

After too many power outages at the air conditioned Detex Texas Prarie Luxury Cow Farms,
the steer went on strike. They lost.
Detex subbed it out. This adds to the Texas unemployment rolls.

Now made by machines, and from rip-stop thick Nylon, they are 1/3 the original price.
A belt loop is sewn in with military-grade thread. 
This protective pouch can withstand a 9mm high-velocity center-fire NERF at point-blank range.

Lifetime Guarantee, just bring it to our office. 24/7/365.
Call ahead, we promise to be availble for returns in-person for this product
24 minutes a day, 7 days, within a 365 year window. 
Or drop it in the mail- only if you bought it from us.

All new kits come with this, it's an optional "upgrade" when you order just the reader.
Reminds us of when power windows were a big deal back in the '80's.

Personally, we think it's a bad idea not to order this. 
Simply put, this $17 item protects your $600 tool from abuse.