How to connect a DigiSP1
How to connect the Digi SP1
HP1000 Digi Network installation
Digi 952 912 3456 tech support number
The steps:
Connect everything. You will need a short CAT5 “patch” cable.
Load the time clock software and register it.
Make incredibly sure that all the connections are rock-solid tight, snapped in, and screwed together.
Make sure the time clock terminal is connected to the Digi, and the Digi is also powered.
Make sure the red and green lights are lit. Check the connections one more time.
Load the Digi software. Note: There are dip switches on the Digi; leave them alone.
The software will automatically find the network IP address.
Accept all the defaults. It will make the connection for you.
The type of connection is the one at the top of the list, says REAL One.
In any event, it is the default setting; this is a very simple installation.
1) Connect the Digi to the time clock, power, network cable, etc.
2) Once the red and green light stop blinking on the Digi, it has obtained an IP address from DHCP
3) Use the Digi software (can be found on website for the
device itself) to install a RealPort. It should automatically list the
Digi and its IP address as one of the options. Set it as UDP (Serial
3b) If you can’t find it, search DHCP server using the mac
address on the bottom of the Digi to find its IP. LAN scanning software
can find it as well.
4) Go to the IP address of the Digi in a web browser and
log in using the username root and password dbps. You can configure
settings here if needed.
5) If you are using an RS232 type time clock, Go to timeclock software and add the clock as rs232 and using the COM
port you installed. You will need to assign a clock number on the clock
Start the time clock software. Go to the Clock list. Enter the information below.
This goes in the dial up string:
Clock Name Type COM Dialup String
01 Clock Name HP00X0 com number (nothing goes in here)
Click test, it should say “Communication Test Okay”. If not, check all your connections.
This cannot be more strongly emphasized.
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