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Icon TimeVue time clocks technical support how to re-install TimeVue

Issue:  Corrupted files.  Reason:  Unknown.  Easiest solution:  Backup program, remove, reinstall, reset data.

1) Disconnect the data cable from the clock, or the computer.
2) Make an archive and save it (as you must do every month or so). 
    Name it Sept 12 2011.arc

3) Close TimeVue, go to the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, and remove TimeVue.
    Remove all "pieces" of TimeVue, if prompted, disregarding any warnings, if you get them.

4) Reboot your computer.  After rebooting, pop in the TimeVue CD and go through the install process.
5) Enter the activation code we discussed.  If it says it has found old data, select YES, and overwrite it.  
   The corrupted file may be in there, we want a clean re-install.
6) Close TimeVue, leave the CD in the computer, and reboot.
7) Give it about 4 minutes to complete the reboot process, as it is pulling files from the CD.
8) Remove the CD.  Launch TimeVue.

9) Go to RESTORE, then navigate to the saved Sept 12 2011.arc file.  Tell it to "Overwrite Existing Data". 
10) Check your employee list, see if it is there.  Check the Time Clock Rules.
11) Connect the clock cable at both ends.  Give it 1 minute to make the connection in the computer.12) Go to Time Clocks, select RESET ALL CLOCKS.  Select TEST and check the communications.
13) Select Poll Time Clock and run the polling process.
     This should put you back in business.